The Soul Wisdom books are not ordinary books.

The words in the books are coded and, the Light beings say, “People who read these words will be affected by the vibration that the words carry. The meaning and understanding will resonate deep within people’s hearts and they will begin to remember who they are.”

“Gabriela is a bearer of light and acts as a translator for us. She can translate the language of light, and we are very grateful for her service. We’ve waited a long time for someone to be able to convey our message to the people on Earth.”

– Light Beings 2016

In June 2012 Gabriela began to converse with Star beings and Ascended Masters. She spent seven years having regular conversations with highly evolved beings of Light such as Mother Mary, Jesus, Kwan Yin, Merlin, Isis, Thoth and star beings from Arcturus and Aldebaran to name a few. The channelled conversations have been recorded and resulted in three books:

  • Soul Wisdom, Remember Who You Are
  • Soul Wisdom, Transmission of Light
  • Soul Wisdom, Point of Connection

The beings of Light contacted Gabriela so that she would remember who she is, where she is from and what her role on Earth is. Originally, she felt the content was for her personally, but the Light beings have made it clear that although some of the conversations are personal in nature, the messages are intended for a wider audience, for all people on Earth.

“It’s healing to be in the Light. It’s regenerating for the body to be in the Light. It’s soothing for the mind to be in the Light. It’s renewing to the soul to return to the Light.”

– Light Beings 2018

The conversations are profound yet simple. Sometimes, the messages relate to the difficulties Gabriela was experiencing at that time, such as dealing with anger, fear or guilt. Other times, topics relating to love, peace, forgiveness and life on Earth was addressed.

The conversations can be read again and again. They are always fresh and new, as if you are reading them for the first time. To get the full benefit of the energetic transmissions it’s essential to read all three books.

When you read the books, please be aware that they contain Light, which carries the frequency of love and peace. The Light is woven in words and in spaces between words; and the words contain wisdom that can challenge and enlighten you. Therefore, the books are unlike any book you have ever read, and they will speak to your soul.

Soul Wisdowm - Book 1

Soul Wisdom, Remember Who You Are

In the first book, Soul Wisdom, Remember Who You Are, Gabriela reveals the fascinating details of her talks with beings such as, Kwan Yin, Jesus, Merlin, Mother Mary and star beings from Arcturus and Aldebaran. The conversations are insightful, inspiring and help you gain a better understanding of who you truly are. The words in the book are coded with love vibration and will resonate deep within your heart.

How to order

To order in paperback or eBook version, click here to order from Amazon

To order your signed copy for $29.95 + postage, click here (Australia only) 

Soul Wisdowm - Book 2

Soul Wisdom, Transmission of Light

In Soul Wisdom, Transmission of Light Gabriela continues her conversations with highly evolved beings of Light who graciously addressed her concerns, answered questions and provided guidance. The spiritual messages are uplifting, encouraging and life-changing. Gabriela is a channel, a messenger and the words in the book were telepathically transmitted to her. People reading the words can be transformed and activated by the Light.

How to order

To order in paperback or eBook version, click here to order from Amazon

To order your signed copy for $29.95 + postage, click here (Australia only) 

Soul Wisdowm - Book 3

Soul Wisdom, Point of Connection

Soul Wisdom, Point of Connection is the third and final book in the trilogy. It is the culmination of seven years of enlightening conversations Gabriela had with Star Beings and Ascended Masters who supported her on a journey of self-discovery. The beings of Light provide powerful insights and guide us to the point of connection with our Inner Self so that we can live in peace, harmony and freedom. The transmission of Light in the book is tangible and speaks directly to your soul.

How to order

To order in paperback or eBook version, click here to order from Amazon

To order your signed copy for $29.95 + postage, click here (Australia only) 

This book offers spiritual truths and gems of wisdom that are simple and yet very profound. It is a book one can thumb through over and over again, reflecting on how these energetically powerful words apply to us in our daily living.

- Diana
I am fascinated with the conversations, which make me feel elated and I have goose bumps! The letters have a bright light around them. I love everything about the book. Deeply grateful.

Truly a transformational book for the soul. The words have a vibration that connect with my soul and activate a loving awareness in my being. Each time I read an excerpt, it resonates perfectly. Thank you Gabriela for sharing your soul conversations and all the energy you bring to the world.

Soul Wisdom came to me in perfect divine timing and spoke to me as if Gabriela had written it just for me. The answers Gabriela received from the Light Beings brought me comfort and peace and I am closer to knowing true love.

Thank you for sharing your story with humanity. Soul Wisdom helped me understand my personal experiences and touched my heart. The transmissions I received were powerful, and I was filled with awe and deep gratitude.

I couldn’t put the book down. Every chapter had an answer for me. It didn’t matter which page I opened in the book I felt like I was listening to masters that have come before us.

This is a book that will help you to awaken, answer questions that roll around in your head and will sooth and calm your heart. Each chapter brought me closer to my truth, helping me to remember all the journeys my soul has endured. Thank you for being my messenger, teacher and guide.

Soul Wisdom is a healing experience. I love Gabriela’s childlike innocence and purity when she converses with the Beings of Light. It is a journey of self-discovery and a deep yearning to expand and be love. Thank you for sharing your journey Gabriela.
