About Gabriela Garbacz
Gabriela is an experienced energy healer, therapist, author, and translator of Light languages, dedicated to guiding individuals on their path to healing and self-discovery.
For over thirty years, Gabriela has been intuitively guided by spirit to explore the profound connection between mind, body, and spirit. Through her journey, she has studied with a variety of teachers, healers, and monks from diverse spiritual traditions, receiving numerous qualifications and training in various natural healing modalities.
Gabriela has shared her knowledge and insights by leading seminars on stress management and personal development across Australia. She has also worked in a Melbourne clinic as a certified clinical hypnotherapist, counsellor, and energy healer, helping many individuals tap into their true potential for healing and inner growth.
“When Gabriela speaks the Light language she brings Light to the planet. Let the Light fill you, sustain and lift you. Let it restore harmony and peace, balance and truth, let it open you that you may recognize the truth of who you are.”
– Soul Wisdom, Transmission of Light
While conducting seminars and assisting clients, Gabriela’s personal journey led her deep within her own heart. She spent many years exploring her inner world and embracing the art of forgiveness. Through this process of purification and transformation, her connection with the Divine grew stronger.
Over the years, Gabriela has participated in spiritual gatherings around the world, gathering fragments of her soul and rediscovering her true essence. Her travels to places like New Zealand, Fiji, Bali, Thailand, Japan, Tahiti, Israel, Costa Rica, India, Brazil, Iceland, Cuba, Egypt, Colombia, and Malta allowed her to integrate these soul fragments, awakening her deep spiritual abilities and remembering her soul’s true power.

Following a profound inner transformation in 2010, and a series of initiations and activations, Gabriela received the sacred gift of healing through sound. She now has the ability to speak, sign, and translate many multi-dimensional Light languages. These sacred sounds and Light languages are woven into both her group and individual healing sessions, amplifying the healing process.
In 2012, Gabriela began communicating with Star Beings from Arcturus and Aldebaran, Ascended Masters, and other highly evolved beings of Light. These beings transmitted Light, wisdom, and guidance, helping Gabriela to remember her true self, her origin, and her soul’s purpose. The channelled conversations, recorded over a span of seven years, culminated in three books on Soul Wisdom: Remember Who You Are, Transmission of Light, and Point of Connection.